Source code for CAM2CameraDatabaseAPIClient.client

Represents a CAM2 client application.
import json
import requests
from .error import AuthenticationError, InternalError, InvalidClientIdError, \
    InvalidClientSecretError, ResourceNotFoundError, FormatError, \
    AuthorizationError, ResourceConflictError
from .camera import Camera

[docs]class Client(object): """Class representing a CAM2 client application. Attributes ---------- clientID : str Id of the client application. clientSecret : str Secret of the client application. token : str Token for the client to access the CAM2 database. Each token expires in 5 minutes. [User does not need to provide this attribute] Note ---- In order to access the package, register a new application by contacting the CAM2 team at """ base_URL = '' """str: Static variable to store the base URL. This is the URL of CAM2 Database API. User is able to send API calls directly to this URL. """ _camera_fields = set(['reference_url', 'reference_logo', 'timezone_name', 'timezone_id', 'utc_offset', 'resolution_height', 'resolution_width', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'frame_rate', 'source', 'legacy_cameraID', 'm3u8_url', 'snapshot_url', 'is_active_video', 'is_active_image', 'camera_type', 'ip', 'port', 'brand', 'model', 'image_path', 'video_path', 'cameraID']) """ set: Static private variable to store all legal keywords for adding or updating a camera. """ _search_fields = set(['resolution_height', 'resolution_width', 'city', 'is_active_video', 'state', 'country', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'source', 'camera_type', 'is_active_image', 'radius', 'offset']) """ set: Static private variable to store all legal keywords for searching cameras. """ _retrieval_fields = set(['ip', 'port', 'image_path', 'video_path', 'snapshot_url', 'm3u8_url']) """ set: Static private variable to store all legal keywords in kwargs in check camera existence function. """ @staticmethod def _check_args(kwargs, legal_args): illegal_args = set(kwargs.keys()) - legal_args if illegal_args: raise FormatError('Keywords ' + str(list(illegal_args)) + ' are not defined.') def _check_token(self, response, flag, url, data=None, params=None): counter = 0 while response.status_code == 401 and \ response.json()['message'] == 'Token expired.' and counter < 2: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() if flag == 'GET': response = requests.get(url, headers=header, params=params) elif flag == 'POST': response =, headers=header, data=data) else: response = requests.put(url, headers=header, data=data) counter += 1 return response def _request_token(self): """A method to request an access token for the client application. Raises ------ ResourceNotFoundError If no client app exists with the clientID of this client object. AuthenticationError If the client secret of this client object does not match the clientID. InternalError If there is an API internal error. """ url = self.base_URL + 'auth' param = {'clientID': self.clientID, 'clientSecret': self.clientSecret} response = requests.get(url, params=param) if response.status_code == 200: self.token = response.json()['token'] elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() def header_builder(self): head = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(self.token)} return head def __init__(self, clientID, clientSecret): """Client initialization method. Parameters ---------- clientID : str Id of the client application. clientSecret : str Secret of the client application. Raises ------ InvalidClientIdError If the clientID is not in the correct format. ClientID should have a fixed length of 96 characters. InvalidClientSecretError If the client secret is not in the correct format. Client secret should have a length of at least 71 characters. """ if len(clientID) != CLIENTID_LENGTH: raise InvalidClientIdError if len(clientSecret) < SECRET_LENGTH: raise InvalidClientSecretError self.clientID = clientID self.clientSecret = clientSecret self.token = None # Functions for webUI
[docs] def register(self, owner, permissionLevel='user'): """ Create a client to use CamraDatabaseAPI Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- owner : str Username of the owner of the client application. permissionLevel : str, optional Permission level of the owner of the client application. Default permission level is 'user'. Returns ------- str Client id of the newly registered client application. str Client secret of the newly registered client application. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) # WebUI team developer created an client object webUI_client.register(ownerName, permissionLevel) User with webUI permission will use this method to register a client with owner's name and permission level. Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to register a client for normal user whose name is Bob webUI_client = Client('1', '1') webUI_client.register('Bob', 'user') """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/register' if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() data = {'owner': owner, 'permissionLevel': permissionLevel} response = self._check_token(, headers=header, data=data), flag='POST', url=url, data=data) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['clientID'], response.json()['clientSecret']
[docs] def update_owner(self, clientID, owner): """ Update owner's username for the given clientID. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- clientID : str Client Id of the application. owner : str, optional (Optional) Username of owner. Returns ------- str Success message. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.update_owner(userClientID, ownerName) User with webUI permission will use this method to update owner of a client given specific clientID. Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to change the owner of clientID 2123 from 'Bob' to 'Ken' webUI_client.update_owner('2123', 'Ken') """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/' + clientID if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() data = {'owner': owner} response = self._check_token(response=requests.put(url, headers=header, data=data), flag='PUT', url=url, data=data) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['message']
[docs] def update_permission(self, clientID, permissionLevel): """ Update owner's permissionLevel for the given clientID. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- clientID : str Client Id of the application. permissionLevel : str, optional Permission level of client. Returns ------- str Success message. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.update_permission(userClientID, 'webUI') User with webUI permission will use this method to update permission of a client given specific clientID. Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to change the permission of clientID 2123 from 'user' to 'webUI' webUI_client.update_permission('2123', 'webUI') """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/' + clientID if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() data = {'permissionLevel': permissionLevel} response = self._check_token(response=requests.put(url, headers=header, data=data), flag='PUT', url=url, data=data) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['message']
[docs] def reset_secret(self, clientID): """ A method to reset client secret. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- clientID: str Client Id of the application. Returns -------- str New clientSecret Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.reset_secret(userClientID) User with webUI permission will use this method to reset secret key of a client given specific clientID. Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to change the secret key of clientID 2123 webUI_client.reset_secret('2123'') """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/' + clientID + '/secret' if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.put(url, headers=header, data=None), flag='PUT', url=url, data=None) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['clientSecret']
[docs] def client_ids_by_owner(self, owner): """ A method to get all client ids for a specific owner. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- owner : str Username of the owner of the client application. Returns ------- list of str A list of client's ID owned by the user. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.client_ids_by_owner(ownerName) User with webUI permission will use this method to get a list of clientIDs that belongs to a user. Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to get all clientIDs that belongs to user named 'Bob' webUI_client.client_ids_by_owner('Bob') """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/by-owner' param = {'owner': owner} if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header, params=param), flag='GET', url=url, params=param) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() clientObject = response.json() clientIDs = [] for ct in clientObject: clientIDs.append(ct['clientID']) return clientIDs
[docs] def usage_by_client(self, clientID, owner): """ A method to get number of API requests made by a given clientID. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has webUI permission. Parameters ---------- clientID : str Client's ID of the application. owner : str Username of the owner of the client application. Returns ------- int The number of requests made by the client. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.usage_by_client(userClientID, ownerName) User with webUI permission will use this method to get number of API requests made by clientID 2123 Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to get number of API requests made by clientID 2123 whose owner is 'Bob' webUI_client.usage_by_client('2123', 'Bob') """ url = Client.base_URL + "apps/" + clientID + "/usage" param = {'owner': owner} if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header, params=param), flag='GET', url=url, params=param) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 403: raise AuthorizationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['api_usage']
[docs] def write_camera(self, **kwargs): """ Add or update camera in the database. Warning --------- You can only use this function if your client has admin permission. Examples -------- * Adding a camera of type 'IP' into the database: **Each type of camera has its unique fields. Please check the** :ref:`Parameters <write-param-ref>` **of this function or** :class:`` **for eligible fields of the type of camera you are working on.** Create a keyword arguments dictionary which contains all the parameters needed to create the camera (fields with value ``None`` can be omitted): >>> kwargs = {'camera_type': 'ip', 'is_active_image': True, 'is_active_video': False, 'ip': '', 'snapshot_url': None, 'm3u8_url': None, 'cameraID': None, ...} Pass the keyword arguments dictionary to the write_camera function: >>> client.write_camera(**kwargs) Or, you can directly call the method with all parameters: >>> client.write_camera(camera_type='ip', is_active_image=True, is_active_video=False, ip='', snapshot_url=None, ...) * Updating a camera of type 'IP' in the database: One subtle difference of updating an existing camera from adding a new camera is that only ``cameraID``, ``camera_type``, and fields to be updated need to be included as a parameter with non-None value to update the camera. Create a keyword arguments dictionary which contains all the parameters needed to update the camera; in this example, user will update the ip address of this ip camera: >>> kwargs = {'ip': '', 'camera_type': 'ip', 'cameraID': '5ae0ecbd336359291be74c12'} Pass the keyword arguments dictionary to the write_camera function: >>> client.write_camera(**kwargs) Or, you can directly call the method with all parameters: >>> client.write_camera(camera_type='ip', ip='', cameraID='5ae0ecbd336359291be74c12') * Adding or updating a camera of type 'non_ip': Following the above example of adding and updating IP camera, the only difference lies in the required fields. Example of adding a non-ip camera into database: >>> kwargs = {'camera_type': 'non_ip', 'is_active_image': True, 'is_active_video': False, 'ip': None, 'snapshot_url': test_url, 'm3u8_url': None, 'cameraID': None, ...} >>> client.write_camera(**kwargs) Example of updating the snapshot url and country of a camera of type 'non_ip': >>> client.write_camera(camera_type='non_ip', snapshot_url='updated_test_url', country='JP', cameraID': '5ae0ecbd336359291be74c12'} * Adding or updating a camera of type 'stream': Following the above example of adding and updating IP camera, the only difference lies in the required fields. Example of adding a stream camera into database: >>> client.write_camera(camera_type='stream', is_active_image=True, is_active_video=False, m3u8_url='test_url', cameraID=None, ...) Example of updating the m3u8_url of a camera of type 'stream': >>> write_camera(camera_type='stream', m3u8_url='test_url', cameraID='5ae0ecbd336359291be74c12') .. _write-param-ref: Parameters ---------- camera_type : str Type of camera. Allowed values: 'ip', 'non_ip', 'stream'. | This parameter is required for adding camera. is_active_image : bool Whether the camera is active and can get images. This field can identify true/false case-insensitively and 0/1. | This parameter is required for adding camera. is_active_video : bool Whether the camera is active and can get video. This field can identify true/false case-insensitively and 0/1. | This parameter is required for adding camera. ip : str (IP camera only) IP address of the camera. | This parameter is required for adding an IP camera. snapshot_url : str (non-IP camera only) Url to retrieve snapshots from the camera. | This parameter is required for adding a non-IP camera. m3u8_url : str (Stream camera only) Url to retrieve stream from the camera. | This parameter is required for adding a stream camera. cameraID : str CameraID of the camera to be updated. | This parameter is required for updating camera. Warning ------- Including a cameraID in your write_camera request will update and overwrite the corresponding camera information in the database. Please ensure that the updated information is correct. Other Parameters ---------------- legacy_cameraID : int, optional Original ID of the camera in SQL database. frame_rate : int, optional Frame-rate of the camera. source : str, optional Source of camera. latitude : int or float, optional Latitude of the camera location. longitude : int or float, optional Longitude of the camera location. country : str, optional Country which the camera locates at. state : str, optional State which the camera locates at. city : str, optional City which the camera locates at. resolution_width : int, optional Resolution width of the camera. resolution_height : int, optional Resolution height of the camera. utc_offset : int, optional Time difference between UTC and the camera location. timezone_id : str, optional Time zone ID of the camera location. timezone_name : str, optional Time zone name of the camera location. reference_logo : str, optional Reference logo of the camera. reference_url : str, optional Reference url of the camera. port : str or int, optional (ip_camera only) Port to connect to camera. brand : str, optional (ip_camera only) Brand of the camera. model : str, optional (ip_camera only) Model of the camera. image_path : str, optional (ip_camera only) Path to retrieve images from the camera. video_path : str, optional (ip_camera only) Path to retrieve video from the camera. Raises ------ AuthenticationError If the client secret of this client object does not match the clientID. FormatError Informartion of invalid parameter or unexpected paramters. ResourceConflictError The legacy_cameraID already exist in the database. InternalError If there is an API internal error. ResourceNotFoundError If no camera exists with the cameraID specified in the parameter. Or If the client id of this client object does not match any client in the database. Returns ------- str The camera ID for the successfully added or updated camera. Note ---- When adding or updating a camera you must supply the corresponding required parameters and may also include any number of the optional parameters defined below in 'Other Parameters'. When Adding a new camera: Do not include any cameraID when adding new cameras to the database. When the camera is added to the database, a new cameraID will be assigned and returned to the user. When updating an existing camera in the database you must include the corresponding cameraID and any fields you wish to update. If in any occasion you need to change an existing camera to a different type, you must include the corresponding retrieval method data. (i.e. To change an IP camera to non-ip camera, you must include values of snapshot_url and camera_type) Updating field in retrieval method requires you to also specify the type of camera. (i.e. To change the image_path of an IP camera, you should specify the camera_type and image_path) """ self._check_args(kwargs=kwargs, legal_args=self._camera_fields) if self.token is None: self._request_token() operation = 'POST' if kwargs.get('cameraID') is None else 'PUT' if kwargs.get('camera_type') == 'ip': kwargs['retrieval'] = { 'ip': kwargs.pop('ip', None), 'port': kwargs.pop('port', None), 'brand': kwargs.pop('brand', None), 'model': kwargs.pop('model', None), 'image_path': kwargs.pop('image_path', None), 'video_path': kwargs.pop('video_path', None) } kwargs['retrieval'] = json.dumps(kwargs['retrieval'], sort_keys=True) elif kwargs.get('camera_type') == 'non_ip': kwargs['retrieval'] = { 'snapshot_url': kwargs.pop('snapshot_url', None) } kwargs['retrieval'] = json.dumps(kwargs['retrieval']) elif kwargs.get('camera_type') == 'stream': kwargs['retrieval'] = { 'm3u8_url': kwargs.pop('m3u8_url', None) } kwargs['retrieval'] = json.dumps(kwargs['retrieval']) kwargs['type'] = kwargs.pop('camera_type', None) if operation == 'POST': url = Client.base_URL + 'cameras/create' temp_response =, data=kwargs, headers=self.header_builder()) else: url = Client.base_URL + 'cameras/' + kwargs.pop('cameraID') temp_response = requests.put(url, data=kwargs, headers=self.header_builder()) response = self._check_token(temp_response, flag=operation, url=url, data=kwargs) if response.status_code != 201 and response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 403: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 409: raise ResourceConflictError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()['cameraID']
[docs] def camera_by_id(self, cameraID): """ A method to get a camera object by using camera's ID Parameters ---------- cameraID : str Id of the camera in the database. Returns ------- :obj:`Camera` A camera object. Example ------- client.camera_by_id('5ae0ecbc336359291be74c0b') Example ------- user_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) user_client.camera_by_id(cameraID) Programmer with 'user' permission will use this method to get a camera object with specified cameraID Scenario: Normal user wants to get a camera object which has a id of '12938263' user_client.camera_by_id('12938263') """ if self.token is None: self._request_token() url = Client.base_URL + "cameras/" + cameraID header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header), flag='GET', url=url) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 403: raise AuthorizationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return Camera.process_json(**response.json())
[docs] def camera_by_legacy_id(self, legacy_cameraID): """ A method to get a camera object by using camera's legacy ID Parameters ---------- legacy_cameraID : str legacy_cameraID of the camera in the database. Returns ------- :obj:`Camera` A camera object. """ if self.token is None: self._request_token() url = Client.base_URL + "cameras/legacy/" + legacy_cameraID header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header), flag='GET', url=url) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 404: raise ResourceNotFoundError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 403: raise AuthorizationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return Camera.process_json(**response.json())
[docs] def camera_by_list_id(self, cameraID_list=None, legacy_cameraID_list=None): """ A method to get a list of camera object by using a list of camera's legacy ID or ID. Parameters ---------- legacy_cameraID_list : List legacy_cameraIDs of the cameras in the database. cameraID_list : List cameraIDs of the cameras in the database. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`Camera` List of cameras that satisfy the search criteria. """ camera_processed = [] for ID in cameraID_list: camera_processed.append(self.camera_by_id(ID)) for legacy_ID in legacy_cameraID_list: camera_processed.append(self.camera_by_legacy_id(legacy_ID)) return camera_processed
[docs] def search_camera(self, **kwargs): """A method to search camera by attributes and location. Searching by location requires user to provide coordiantes for a desired center point and a radius in meters. The search will carry out in the area bounded by the circle. Each time, this function can return a maximum of 100 cameras. Getting more cameras can be achieved by calling this function multiple times with offest parameter. Examples -------- - Searching a camera of type 'IP' into the database with city as 'West Lafayette' Create a keyword arguments dictionary which contains all the parameters needed to search the camera: kwargs = {'camera_type': 'ip', 'city': 'West Lafayette'} Pass the keyword arguments dictionary to the search_camera function: a_client = Client('id', 'pass') a_client.search_camera(**kwargs) - Another way to search for cameras with the same parameters can be done by the following code: a_client = Client('id', 'pass') a_client.search_camera(camera_type='ip', city='West Lafayette') Parameters ---------- latitude : float, optional Latitude of the center of the circle area to be searched. Latitude ranges between +90 and -90. Please specify longitude and radius if this parameter value is provided. longitude : float, optional Longitude of the center of the circle area to be searched. Longitude ranges between +180 and -180. Please specify latitude and radius if this parameter value is provided. radius : float, optional Radius in km of the circle area to be searched. Radius should be positive Please specify latitude and longitude if this parameter value is provided. offset : int, optional Number of cameras skipped. Since each time this function can return max 100 cameras, calling this function the second time adding `offset=100` will get the second 100 cameras beyond the first list of 100 cameras. camera_type : str, optional Type of camera. Allowed values: 'ip', 'non_ip', 'stream'. source : str, optional Source of the camera. country : str, optional Country which the camera locates at. state : str, optional State which the camera locates at. city : str, optional City which the camera locates at. resolution_width : int, optional Resolution width of the camera. It has to be positive. resolution_height : int, optional Resolution height of the camera. It has to be positive. is_active_image : bool, optional If the camera is active and can get images. This field can identify true/false case-insensitively and 0/1. is_active_video : bool, optional If the camera is active and can get video. This field can identify true/false case-insensitively and 0/1. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`Camera` List of cameras that satisfy the search criteria. Raises ------ FormatError If type of argument value is not expected for the given field. Or there are unexpected keywords in kwargs. Or radius cannot is less than 0. Or incorrect latitude range. (it should be between +90 and -90) Or incorrect longitude range. (it should be between +180 and -180) AuthenticationError If the client secret of this client object does not match the clientID. ResourceNotFoundError If the client id of this client object does not match any client in the database. InternalError If there is an API internal error. """ if self.token is None: self._request_token() self._check_args(kwargs, self._search_fields) kwargs['type'] = kwargs.pop('camera_type', None) # filter out those parameters with value None, change true/false search_params = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} url = Client.base_URL + 'cameras/search' header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token( response=requests.get(url, headers=header, params=search_params), flag='GET', url=url, params=search_params) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() camera_response_array = response.json() camera_processed = [] for current_object in camera_response_array: camera_processed.append(Camera.process_json(**current_object)) return camera_processed
[docs] def check_cam_exist(self, camera_type, **kwargs): """ A method to get one or more camera object that has the given retrieval method in the database. Parameters ---------- camera_type : str Type of the camera. Type can only be 'ip', 'non_ip', or 'stream'. ip : str, optional [for IP camera] Ip address of the camera. Although marked as optional, this field is required when the camera type is 'ip'. port : Int, optional [for IP camera] Port of the camera. If no port provided, it will be set to default 80. image_path : str, optional [for IP camera] Path to retrieve images from the camera. video_path : str, optinal [for IP camera] Path to retrievae vidoe from the camera. snapshot_url : str, optional [for non_IP camera] Url to retrieval image frames from the camera. Although marked as optional, this field is required when the camera type is 'non_ip'. m3u8_url : str, optional [for stream camera] Url to retrieval video stream from the camera. Although marked as optional, this field is required when the camera type is 'stream'. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`Camera` List of camera objects that has the given retrieval method. If there are no cameras matches the provided retrieval information, an empty list will be returned. Raises ------ FormatError If camera type is not valid. Or camera type is not provided. Or ip is not provided when the camera type is 'ip'. Or snapshot_url is not provided when the camera type is 'non_ip'. Or m3u8_url is not provided when the camera ytpe is 'stream'. Or there are unexpected keywords in kwargs. AuthenticationError If the client secret of this client object does not match the clientID. ResourceNotFoundError If the client id of this client object does not match any client in the database. InternalError If there is an API internal error. """ self._check_args(kwargs, self._retrieval_fields) url = Client.base_URL + "cameras/exist" kwargs['type'] = camera_type if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header, params=kwargs), flag='GET', url=url, params=kwargs) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() camera_response_array = response.json() camera_processed = [] for current_object in camera_response_array: camera_processed.append(Camera.process_json(**current_object)) return camera_processed
[docs] def get_change_log(self, start=None, end=None, offset=None): """ A method to get change_log for a specific time period Parameters ---------- start : str, optional Start time of the log user desires to query end : str, optional End time of the log user desires to query offset : str, optional How many logs to skip Returns ------- :obj:`list` of dict A list of objects containing cameraID and creation time of the log. Raises ------ AuthenticationError If the client secret of this client object does not match the clientID. InternalError If there is an API internal error. FormatError If type of argument value is not expected for the given field. Example ------- webUI_client = Client(clientID, clientSecret) webUI_client.get_change_log(start, end, offset) Programmer with 'webUI' permission will use this method to get change_log for a specific time period Scenario: Developer in webUI team wants to get 10 activities between the below time frame webUI_client.get_change_log('2018-08-27T15:53:00', '2018-08-27T16:53:00', 10) """ url = Client.base_URL + 'apps/db-change' if self.token is None: self._request_token() header = self.header_builder() param = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'offset': offset} response = self._check_token(response=requests.get(url, headers=header, params=param), flag='GET', url=url, params=param) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError(response.json()['message']) elif response.status_code == 422: raise FormatError(response.json()['message']) else: raise InternalError() return response.json()