Source code for CAM2CameraDatabaseAPIClient.error

This file defines all the custom errors.

[docs]class Error(Exception): """ Represent a generic error. """ pass
[docs]class FormatError(Error): """Class representing format error. Detailed error message of the error can be shown by printing the error object. This corresponends to 422 RequestFormatError in CAM2 Database API. Attributes ---------- message : str Detailed error message """ def __init__(self, message): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class ResourceNotFoundError(Error): """ Corresponends to 404 ResourceNotFoundError in API. """ def __init__(self, message): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class AuthenticationError(Error): """ Corresponends to 401 AuthenticationError in API. """ def __init__(self, message): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class InternalError(Error): """ Corresponends to 500 InternalError in API. """ def __init__(self): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = 'InternalError' def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class ResourceConflictError(Error): """ Corresponends to 409 ResourceConflictError in API. It is used in POST /cameras/create and PUT /cameras/{:camerID} route signaling 'legacyCameraIDAlreadyExist' """ def __init__(self, message): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class AuthorizationError(Error): """ Corresponends to 403 AuthorizationError in API. """ def __init__(self, message): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class InvalidClientIdError(Error): """ Corresponends to 403 AuthorizationError in API. """ def __init__(self): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = 'The Length of ClientID should be ' + str(CLIENTID_LENGTH) + '.' def __str__(self): return str(self.message)
[docs]class InvalidClientSecretError(Error): """Class representing invalid clientSecret format error. A valid client secret should have a length of at least 71 characters. This corresponends to 422 RequestFormatError in CAM2 Database API. Attributes ---------- message : str Detailed error message Note ---- Not throwing this error does not mean the client secret is correct. The actual authentication happens when you call client functions. """ def __init__(self): Error.__init__(self, None, None) self.message = 'Length of ClientSecret should be at least ' + str(SECRET_LENGTH) + '.' def __str__(self): return str(self.message)