Team project standards

In order to facilitate smooth collaboration among team members, please try to satisfy these project standards as you do your research.

Github Workflow

Each image team member should fork the CAM2ImageTeam repo and work off the fork.

When ready to merge into the team’s master branch…

  1. Sync your fork with the team’s master.
  2. Open a pull request to merge your fork into master.
  3. Assign reviewers to your pull request on Github. You should only assign the image team members who know what you’re up to so that they understand your work.
  4. In the #image Slack channel, tag the reviewers and let them know you have a pull request waiting for review. Now, just wait for feedback.

When assigned to review a teammate’s pull request…

  1. Head over to the pull request page and select the appropriate pull request.
  2. Look over the changes. If something doesn’t make sense, ask the person. If something needs fixing, put it in a comment and sent it back for the teammate to take care of.
  3. Otherwise, go ahead and Approve the pull request.
  4. If the other reviewers have already Approved, and if the code has no merge conflicts, go ahead and merge the pull request.

Merge conflicts:

  • Fork the team’s Github repo and do all of your work on that fork. When you are ready to merge your work into the team’s master branch, open a pull request.

    NOTE: Assign reviewers to your pull request!

  • Commit often, with descriptive commit messages, so that the team’s commit history will be rich with information. Use your common sense, obviously (committing should not happen every single time you hit CTRL+S!)